Handcrafted Ebony Pen – Cigar, Marilyn


With an unceasing worldwide demand, Gabon Ebony remains one of the world’s most expensive exotic woods. It comes to us from Africa and the trees are small and slow growing, contributing to its high price tag. Its signature jet black heartwood (which can sometimes contain streaks of browns, golden browns and even greys), combined with its great strength, durability and density, gives it universal appeal with craftsmen and artisans.

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This handcrafted Ebony and Black Titanium pen is all about the flair. It’s hefty and writes smoothly and easily so you can write for hours without cramping.

Working with ebony is a mixed bag. It’s hard. I mean, really, really dense. That means a lot of time spent sharpening tools. On the other hand, it sands down to 3000 grit and the final product is well worth the effort. I like pieces with ‘blond highlights’ in the otherwise nearly black wood. This gives the pen a very distinguished look with a subtle glow. A shellac based friction polish gives it a finish that, from a distance, looks like metal.

This pen uses common refills so you’ll have it for years. This is one of those treasured heirlooms you’ll want a stand for.

My shop is eco-friendly. A Nature’s Generator solar system is all my shop needs to power the lathe, lights, vacuum and battery chargers.

Read more about how this pen was made here.


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