Handcrafted Oak Pen – Slimline, Staid style


Oak trees have been here longer than humans and they have been an integral part of human evolution.  They’re dense and strong lending themselves to all sorts of construction from Viking ships to table tops.  They don’t grow nearly as tall as a Redwood but their branches can spread so wide, some can be classified as a bush; a 150 foot tall bush!  It’s natural weatherproofing and durability can be seen by the many Oak framed houses in Europe that were built hundreds of years ago and still stand.  But it’s not just the strength or ubiquitous nature of oak, it’s a beautiful wood.  The grain is coarse and straight and needs no stain to emphasize it.  No wonder it’s been considered a sacred wood and wars have been fought over supplies of it.

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Working with Oak is always a joy.  Hints of the beauty beneath are obvious on freshly cut, un-sanded blanks and the creation process is a voyage of discovery.  Oak retains a significant texture even when sanded smooth and the honey coloring is very pleasing to the eye.  Coupled with a high-quality, Artisan™, Black Titanium kit, this is a pen built to last and be used often.  The ink cartridge is a widely available Cross® type ballpoint refillable with little effort.

Read about how this pen was made here.


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